Drinking hot water for weight loss reviews

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Have you been wondering if there is any simple trick that can aid weight loss without costing much? Do you badly want to lose weight but feel lazy or lack the time to hit the gym? They tell you to skip dinner, ditch carbs, load up proteins… have no salt till noon… eat only fruits for breakfast… impossible things that we should do to lose weight, but which we may be able to follow only for a short while. Find details how you can achieve weightloss goal in our drinking hot water for weight loss reviews.

Drinking hot water for weight loss reviews

How does drinking hot water for weight loss work?

While people may have told you time and again that drinking hot water – or rather warm water – will help you shed those kilos fast you might be wondering how this humble drink actually does the trick. Here are the answers you have been seeking!

  1. Hot water boosts metabolism. It is the ideal way to kickstart your slowed down body processes.
  2. Hot water breaks down fat. The temperature of the water helps to mobilise fat molecules, making them easier to be burnt.
  3. Hot water curbs appetite. So one way to use hot water for weight loss is to drink a cup of hot water about 30 minutes before a meal.
  4. Hot water curbs cravings because it makes you feel full. So the next time you crave for something and find yourself fighting an uncontrollable urge to binge, have a cup of hot water and hold on for 20 minutes.
  5. Finally, hot water maintains body temperature. Of course, if the water is too hot (or too cold for that matter), it is going to hamper your digestive system. But warm water (up to 50-degrees Celcius) is, in fact, beneficial in maintaining body processes at an optimum rate. This helps in proper digestion of food, assimilation of nutrients, and excretion of waste.

What are the benefits

Benefits of drinking warm water
Hot water or lukewarm water has numerous health benefits.

Improves digestion: Drinking warm water before a meal can accelerate your metabolism and speed up your digestion process.

Helps to remove toxins: Sipping a cup of warm water before your breakfast can help you remove toxins from the body.

Improves mood: It might sound strange, but drinking warm water can uplift your mood. As per a study, it can also make you more friendly.

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Relief from constipation: Drinking warm water on an empty stomach can help you regulate bowel movement. If you drink a cup of warm water every day in the morning, you will not suffer from constipation.

Drinking hot water for weight loss reviews

Reviews 1 : Hot water is a natural Hydrating Agent

One of the most natural ways to keep your body hydrated is to consume sufficient water in any form, cold or hot. Each cell in our body needs water to absorb nutrients and eject waste products. One must drink at least eight glasses of water in a day to keep them hydrated. Hydration helps the kidneys expel waste products and toxins from the body and provides an appropriate platform to carry out all the biochemical and metabolic processes within our bodies.

Reviews 2: Increase metabolism

Hot water breaks down fat deposits from the body and helps in weight loss. A well-hydrated body helps in the rapid working of the muscles and organs. This enhances the metabolic activity, thus letting the calories burn faster. A normal human being, on a regular basis, must consume hot water 15 minutes before any meal to help curb appetite. Thus, one can avoid overeating and the calorie intake also reduces by almost 13%. 

Reviews 3: Do hot water with lemon and honey play role

You can add a few drops of lemon in warm water to make it taste good. Lemon grass is another fine way to add flavour to your glass of warm water. Ayurveda believes in adding honey and lime in warm water. This not only aids in digestion, but also increases the flavour. You can also try adding some herbs such as mint leaves, ginger or tulsi leaves. Adding a few pieces of freshly cut fruits also enhances the flavour. Those of you interested in herbal tea can consume it without adding sugar.

4 Tips To Use Hot Water for Weight Loss Plan

So now you know how drinking warm water benefits not only your body but also your weight loss goals! But how should you go about actually incorporating this habit and making it a part of your daily routine? Here are 5 tips to use hot water for weight loss.

  1. Start your day with a glass of warm water. It is the easiest and safest way to ‘wake up’ your body.
  2. Consider additives like lemon, mint leaves, etc. for additional benefits. Particularly for weight loss, squeezing half a lemon into a glass of warm water is recommended.
  3. Drink warm water 20 minutes before a meal, and 30 minutes after a heavy meal. Before a meal, the warm water cuts back calorie intake up to 13%. After the meal, the warm water helps aid digestion and also prevents the oily and spices in the food from causing any digestion problems.
  4. Drink warm water before bed. This helps to calm down nerves, and ensure deep sleep. Sleep is very important and closely linked to weight loss.

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